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Bespoke Anaesthesia

Bespoke Anaesthesia Service at The Guildford Vet

Anaesthesia and sedation is essential to facilitate most procedures we need to perform on our veterinary patients. At The Guildford Vet, we recognise that every animal is an individual, with relatively unique needs for their personal anaesthesia or sedation plan. Therefore every patient we see has an anaesthesia or sedation plan that is tailored to them. This helps make our procedures as safe, and as pain and fear free as possible.

However, some of our patients have very special needs; they require a more advanced, bespoke anaesthesia or sedation protocol. These patients require extra planning, teamwork and more intensive management to care for their individual needs. Planning for the anaesthesia begins well in advance of the procedure. In consultation with the owners, the relative risks and benefits of the procedure are explored and we discuss the ways we can mitigate and minimise the anaesthetic risks for that particular patient.

Common groups of patients that benefit from our bespoke anaesthesia service include the elderly as well those with co-morbidities that can complicate things significantly. At The Guildford Vet we consider every patient as a unique individual, where being old per se, is not always a reason to deny a life-changing procedure.

I bring to the The Guildford Vet advanced training in anaesthesia and pain management recognised with the qualification by examination, for admission to the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Science – MANCVS (Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia). My mission is to provide the best outcomes for all animals under our care. Please contact us if you think your pet is a candidate for our bespoke anaesthesia service. I am very happy to provide second opinion consultations where all the options can be explored with you and the most appropriate plan can be prepared.

Dr Trystan Keylock BVSc/BVBio (Hons) MANZCVS (Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia) MRCVS

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